
Mark, 1:33


Mark, 1:33

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

until the whole city had gathered together at the door.

Until the whole town was gathered together about the door.

And the entire city was gathered together at the door.

The whole town was assembled at the door

The whole town gathered near the door.

and the whole town came crowding around the door.

In fact, the whole town gathered around the door of the house.

In fact, the whole town gathered around the door of the house.

In fact, the whole town gathered around the door of the house.

and the whole city was gathered together at the door.

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

That evening, when the sun had gone down, people in the town came to Jesus. They brought to him everyone who was ill. And they brought people with bad spirits in them. All these people were standing t

And the whole city was gathered together at the door.

and the whole town gathered at the door.

The whole of the town gathered outside.

The whole city had gathered at his door.

And the whole citie was gathered together at the doore.

All the people of the town gathered in front of the house.

All the people of the town gathered in front of the house.

All the people of the town gathered in front of the house.

All the people of the town gathered in front of the house.

All the people of the town gathered in front of the house.

The whole town was assembled at the door

Everyone in the town gathered at the door of that house.

The whole town gathered at the door of the house.

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

And the whole city had gathered at the door.

And the whole town was gathered together at the door.

The whole city was gathered at the door

The whole town was gathered at the door.

And the whole city had gathered at the door.

And the whole city had gathered at the door.

The whole town gathered at the door.

The whole town gathered by the door.

All the people in town gathered at the door.

The whole town gathered at the door

The whole town gathered at the door

And the whole city was gathered together at the door.

The whole town gathered at the door to watch.

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

And the whole city was gathered around the door.

And the whole city was gathered around the door.

A big mob of people were there outside that house.

And the whole city was gathered together about the door.

And the whole city was gathered together about the door.

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

And all the city was gathered together at the door.

SONG 1,6,8,6tune: St. Flavian, 100.Genesis 1 -11 Let heav’n arise, let earth appear,said the Almighty Lord:The heav’n arose, the earth appear’d,at his creating word. Thick darknes

That evening, after the sun was down, they brought sick and evil-afflicted people to him, the whole city lined up at his door! He cured their sick bodies and tormented spirits. Because the demons knew

And the whole shtetl gathered together at the delet (door).

And the entire city had gathered at the door.

The whole town gathered together at the door.

All the city was gathered together at the door.

All the city was gathered together at the door.

All the city was gathered together at the door.

All the city was gathered together at the door.

And all the city was gathered at the gate.

and the whole city was gathered together near the door

El versiculo Mark, 1:33 de La Sagrada Biblia es algo que hay que tomar en todo momento en cuenta para analizarlo y pensar sobre él.Probablemente deberíamos hacernos la pregunta ¿Qué trataba de manifestarnos Dios Padre con el versículo Mark, 1:33? ¿En qué coyunturas de nuestra vida diaria tenemos la oportunidad de hacer valer lo que hemos llegado a saber gracias al versículo Mark, 1:33 de Las Sagradas Escrituras?

El hecho de reflexionar en relación con el versículo Mark, 1:33 nos es de gran ayuda a ser mejores cristianos y a avanzar en nuestro camino hacia la Gracia de Dios, esa es la cuestión por la cual es conveniente servirse del versículo Mark, 1:33 todas las veces que precisemos que la palabra de Dios, Nuestro Señor nos indique el camino a seguir para saber en qué forma acturar o para traer la serenidad a nuestras almas.

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